Stage, costumes, masks, puppets: Karel Czech
Music: Čičiri’s gang band
Dramaturgy and dramatization: collective
Direction: Šimon Spišák
Lighting design: Karel Czech, Ivan Vnuk
Starring: Andrea Ballayová, Lucia Korená, Agáta Spišáková, Katarína Petrusová /Ľuba Dušaničová, Martin Nahálka
Little Red Riding Hood is one of the most popular fairy tales all over the world and it has been haunting children for more than two hundred years already. During our performance the spectators will find themselves in the wild world of fairy tales, in the boring forest full of boring animals but also in the world where „yes“ does not necessarily mean „yes“ and „no“ does not need to be „no“. And a fly may not even be a fly.
Little Red Riding Hood is the first title of the new chamber theatre – Teatro Tatro Studio.